Joshua Brown Visual Culture Award
In recognition of the contributions made by Joshua Brown, who retired in 2019 as ASHP/CML director and NML co-director, the New Media Lab has established an award in his name. The Joshua Brown Visual Culture Award recognizes research in any discipline that addresses the fields of visual culture and digital humanities. The $500 award may be granted to NML Graduate Center students who are working on digital projects related to their doctoral or Master’s research. The projects must examine the visual record—in any medium or format—in the past or present, or use visual evidence as a significant part of their methodology. Projects that employ images only as illustration are not eligible. Applicants must have worked at the NML for at least three months prior to applying for this award.
- Applicants must be Graduate Center students in good standing.
- Applicants must be active at the New Media Lab during the semester of application and have worked on the project at the lab for at least three months prior to seeking this award support. To apply for a position at the NML see Get Involved.
- Each NML project can receive only one of the Joshua Brown Visual Culture Award, History and Public Health Student, NML Social Justice, and Dewey Digital Teaching awards.
Application Process
- Update your NML project webpage with project developments, reflecting eligibility for this award.
- Submit the application form below.
- Decisions will be made within four weeks of submission.