Emmanuel (Mani) García / Psychology
Graduate Student Researcher
September 2013 – December 2018egarcia3@gradcenter.cuny.eduEmmanuel (Mani) Garcia on LinkedIn
Project: American Sign Language (ASL) Exchange
NML Awards: The New Media Lab Digital Dissertation Award (April 2017), The History and Public Health Award (January 2016)

Mani is a doctoral candidate in the CUNY Health Psychology and Clinical Science program based at Hunter College. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Stony Brook University. Mani is interested in improving access to physical/mental health education, assessment, and interventions for underserved minority groups. Currently his research is focused on implementing mixed-method community based protocols with Deaf and DeafBlind adults, and disconnected emerging adults in New York City. Innovative development and use of digital research methods are central to his work, including: (1) methods for portable central and peripheral psychophysiology and digital ecological momentary assessment; and (2) methods for better understanding the role of mindfulness and movement literacy in health and well-being. Mani’s academic advisor is Dr. Regina Miranda at Hunter College. He is currently teaching statistics at Guttman Community College.