Dagny Stuedahl / Media and Communications, Education
Visiting Researcherdagny.stuedahl@media.uio.no

Dr. Dagny Stuedahl, a colleague of Joan Greenbaum (Environmental Psychology, emerita) and Senior Research and Director of Nordic Network in Designing Digital Cultural Heritage (University of Oslo), was at the Graduate Center for the month of April and spent some time at the New Media Lab. She presented some of her work on “Nordic approaches to participatory cultural heritage enhanced by digital media”. Dr. Stuedahl has an extensive interdisciplinary background in studying museums with a special focus on youth. At the end of her stay in NYC, she wrote the below notes on how she had spent her research time:
I would like to share with you some of what I have done during my stay, and the contributions people here have made that I will bring back with me to the University of Oslo:
Talks I have given
In each of the following I have been inspired by the responses and important questions raised by participants:
- April 2th 2012: Nordic approaches to participatory cultural heritage enhanced by digital media. New Media Lab/ Center for Media and Learning, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
- April 5th 2012: Nordic digital Media based approaches to participatory museums with youth groups. Interdisciplinary Conversations in Environmental Psychology. Environmental psychology Program, The Graduate Center, City University of New York,
- April 19th 2012: Mobile interactives enhancing museum collection in exhibitions and in the city, Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture
Events I have participated in
These events have been intellectual stimulating and have offered interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches to a context-based educational thinking:
- David Chapin’s course on The Visual in Field Research
- Interdisciplinary Conversations in Environmental Psychology and Social Personality brown bag meetings
Some people I have met with
These more informal conversations have offered me the chance to get and share a more in depth understanding of research practices related to youth and education:
- Susan Opotow on justice and education in museums related to Holocaust
- Gregory Donovan on using online platforms as participatory tools in collaborative participatory research
- Collette Sosnowy on methodological questions related to studies of bloggers that do not attend patient groups
- Caitlin Cahill on community based participatory research and video in the Easy Target project.
- Steve Brier on establishing the 9/11 archive
- Marcos Safner, former environmental and urban education student and educational director Rubin Museum
I also met with the coordinators of the American Social History Project and discussed common issues of digital history projects in schools and issues raised by digital storytelling in relation to oral history in general.
I bring back to Norway:
All of this has given me very valuable inspiration on the continuation of ongoing research activities related to youth participation in the urban history project that I have presented.
In Oslo I participate among other, in a research group called TRANSACTION, in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, (http://www.uv.uio.no/english/research/groups/transaction/) and the discussions on critical youth studies here, I will share with colleagues there.
In addition to the papers that people have given me, I am carrying in my suitcase reminders of my stay, such as Cindy Katz’s Growing up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives and Julio Cammarota and Michelle Fine (Eds) Revolutionizing Education: Youth Participatory Action Research in Motion.
I look forward to coming back for the next period of my visiting research stay in October 2012.
Thank you so much!
Best regards
Dagny Stuedahl
Faculty of Education
University of Oslo
PO box 1161 Blindern
0318 Oslo