Dainy Bernstein / English
Graduate Student Researcher
October 2018 – October 2022dainybernstein@gmail.com@DainyBernstein on TwitterDainy Bernstein on Blog
Project: The Bais Yaakov Project

Dainy Bernstein is a PhD candidate in the English Program. She focuses on contemporary children’s literature and ideologies of childhood and education. Her dissertation examines Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish children’s literature and education of the late twentieth century. She has presented papers on ideologies of education in other literary contexts, including “Grief and Glory: Hebrew Crusade Chronicles and Piyyutim as Deterrents for Adolescent Conversion,” presented at the Leeds International Medieval Congress in 2017.
Dainy is a second-year Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow at Hostos Community College. She teaches composition, medieval and early modern literature, and children’s literature at Lehman College, The College of Staten Island, and The City College of New York. She also tutors home-schooled middle school and high school students in literature, essay writing, and creative writing.