Dominique Zino / English
Graduate Student Researcher
January 2014 – May 2014dfzino@gmail.comdzino on
Project: Remediating Reconstruction: Picturing Productive Property

Dominique Zino is a Doctoral Candidate in English at the CUNY Graduate Center, where she is currently completing a dissertation under the advisement of Dr. Joan Richardson. She will defend the project, “‘On a Certain Blindness…’: Mind, Media, and the Aesthetics of Remediation in America, 1850-1910,” in the spring of 2014. She also holds a certificate in American Studies, with a specialization in nineteenth-century American visual culture.
Dominique has taught in the English Departments at Queensborough Community College, Queens College, and Fordham University. Alongside her interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching, she is invested in issues related to Writing Across the Curriculum and Writing in the Disciplines at CUNY.