Hope J. Hartman / Educational Psychology
Graduate Student Researcher
2004 – 2005hopehartman@optonline.net
Project: Multiuser Virtual Environment

Hope J. Hartman is Professor in the School of Education at The City College of the City University of New York and Professor of Educational Psychology at the City University of New York Graduate and University Center. Her Ph.D. is in cognitive psychology, from Rutgers University. At CCNY she has served as Chair of the Department of Secondary Education, Director of the City College Tutoring and Cooperative Learning Program, and Program Head of Social and Psychological Foundations.
Her areas of specialization are instructional technology, instructional techniques that emphasize active learning, and improving thinking and learning skills. In addition to peer reviewed articles, she has authored the following books: Tips for the Mathematics Teacher: Research-Based Strategies to Help Students Learn, 1998 with Alfred Posamentier and Constanze Kaiser published by Corwin Press (Hartman is second author); Tips for the Science Teacher: Research-Based Strategies to Help Students Learn, 2002 (Hartman is first author, co-authored with Neal Glasgow) published by Corwin Press; and Metacognition in Learning and Instruction: Theory, Research and Practice, 2001, Vol. 19 Neuropsychology and Cognition. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Hartman is the editor and author of three chapters). Currently she is under contract with McGraw-Hill for a new book, A Guide to Reflective Practice: Teaching for and with Critical Thinking, forthcoming 2007.
She teaches courses at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. Courses respectively include: Adolescent Learning and Development, Psychology of Learning and Teaching and Instructional Technology.
Her current research interests are online interactive annotation in teaching and learning through the HyLighter system and developing a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) for learning to apply theories of educational psychology.
At the New Media Lab, Hope Hartman is creating a MultiUser Virtual Environment (MUVE) focused on theories of educational psychology. This “metaenvironment” will consist of 3-D rooms with interactivity and animations to illustrate theories and help learners experience them as a way of learning about them