Marco Battistella / American Social History Project • Center for Media and Learning

Marco Battistella has been programming and designing for the web since 1994. In 1996 he co-founded a web startup, Makeko, whose motto was “keep creativity organized.” This motto now seems very related to the work he will be doing for the American Social History Project.
Starting in the late 1990’s, and taking advantage of the possibility that working on the “net” gave him, Marco traveled extensively around the world, taking his work with him on a laptop while lending a hand to countless humanitarian, nonviolence and educational projects. In 2010 he founded a new start up, this time Makeko, Inc., for which he continues to work today.
In 2012 he started working with the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning finally bringing his web expertise to projects related to social history, a subject that, together with childhood education, has been a passion of his since his teenage years.