Philip Kreniske / Developmental Psychology
Graduate Student Researcher
January 2013 – December
Project: Digital Sense-Making: How SEEK Students Narrate their Transition
NML Award: The New Media Lab Digital Dissertation Award (April 2014)

Philip Kreniske earned a Psycholgy Ph.D. with a certificate in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy from The Graduate Center in 2016. His interest in psychology stems from five years teaching in high needs public schools in San Francisco and New York. In addition, Philip taught English and conducted research in the San village of Tsumkwe, Namibia.
Philip’s doctoral work focused on the intersection of technology and education with an emphasis on reflective writing in digital contexts. In addition, Philip was a co-chair for the Center for the Humanities Narrating Change seminar where he maintained the eponymous blog, Narrating Change. He also created a personal blog where he shared experiences as a doctoral student in New York City.
The following are three publications that grew out of Philip’s work with the NML:
Kreniske, P. (in press). How first-year students expressed their transition to college experiences differently in two writing contexts. Computers and Composition.
Kreniske, P. & Todorova, R. (2017). Using blogs to engage first-generation college students. In R. Obeid, A. Schwartz, C. Shane-Simpson, & P. Brooks (Eds.) How We Teach Now: The GSTA Guide to Student-Centered Teaching.
Kreniske, P. (2017). Developing a culture of commenting in a first-year seminar. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 724-732.