Stephanie Jeanjean / Art History
Graduate Student Researcher
2006 –
Projects: Media2Politic; Virtually Augmented Social Skills Training
NML Awards: The New Media Lab Digital Dissertation Award (April 2014), The Social Justice Award (May 2013)

I am starting my fourth year in the Ph.D. Program in the Art History Department at the Graduate Center, my field of specialization is postmodernist and contemporary art, with a focus on relationship between reality and fiction, narrative structures, social construction, hyperreality, semiotics… Besides teaching art history, I am active as an independent curator. I recently curated two multi-media exhibitions in New York: Once Upon a Time 1 an exhibition associating visual and sounds pieces, selected for the Emerging Curator Program of Nuture Art, Brooklyn (January 2006) and Archaeology of New York, a collaborative project with Yunkyoung Kim for Gallery Korea Korean Cultural center in New York (March 2006), with a grant by the Arts Council Korea we will publish an exhibition catalogue in the Fall 2006. I also occasionally write for French cultural magazines and newspapers and published, in the May 2006 issue of Hors d’Œuvre “Faire partie d’ un monde plus grand. A propos de l’exposition Frequency au Studio Museum de Harlem, New York,” while in June 2005, the book I co-edited with Lionel Bovier, Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle… Ecrits et entretiens 1966-2003, a collection of writings and interviews by the Swiss artist Olivier Mosset, was published by the MAMCO (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Geneva, Switzerland. At the New Media Lab, I am working in collaboration with Roderick Graham from the Sociology Department of the Graduate Center on a project tentatively entitled Media2Poltic. The project examines the intersection between socially constructed values and meanings in contemporary art. For this project we plan to create a website, to organize a presentation and eventually to plan an exhibition and a publication of the results of this research.