Suzanne Tamang / Computer Science
Graduate Student Researcher
January 2012 – June on Twitter
Project: Street Med Apps

Suzanne Tamang is a third-level doctoral candidate in the Computer Science program at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her dissertation work involves the development of unsupervised learning methods for knowledge discovery using electronic health records as a case study. More broadly, her interests include data mining, machine learning, natural language processing and their translation into improved health and medical service delivery for vulnerable populations.
At the NML, Suzanne is working on street medicine apps that she is designing with the street medic community. Street medicine practitioners provide psycho-social and medical support at protests, occupations, uprisings, and natural disasters that have the potential to be further complicated by limited access to traditional medical care. With the aim of promoting safety among activists and supporting street medics using mobile technology as a medium, this project will enable multi-platform access to resources for two groups of target users: (1) a `pro’ version for street medics that may require access to clinical information and other support resources on-demand, and (2) a `lite’ version for activists that require basic information on safety at protests, first-aid and affinity groups.