Yue Liu / Biology
Graduate Student Researcher
August 2016 – December 2016yliu2@gradcenter.cuny.edunycscicomm on NYCSciCommYue Liu on LinkedIn@nycscicomm on Twitter for website@YueLiuSci on Personal Twitter account
Project: Ignite Science Communication Sparkles in NYC

Yue Liu is a PhD Candidate in Biology Department, Neuroscience subprogram, at the Graduate Center & Hunter College, CUNY. Her doctoral research focus is the yin and yang balance of neuronal excitability. One of her research projects has cracked a molecular mechanism of epilepsy that afflicts infants and children, which was published on the journal of Neurology and featured on the cover. Beyond bench work, Yue participates in Toastmasters and volunteers in professional organizations to connect with people and exchange insightful ideas.