Land Conflict
Shana Siegel, Sociology
Faculty Advisor: William Kornblum
Project Website: Land Conflict

With the use of GIS mapping techniques, Flash software, and an as-yet-undetermined database methodology, this project provides an online, interactive exploration of an ongoing conflict over land near one small Ontario town.
The conflict of primary interest in this project is centered around a small portion of a much larger, 950,000-acre land grant from the British Crown to the Six nations Confederacy in 1784. The examination of this conflict will consist of three main strands. First, a combination of GIS mapping, online rollover functions, and linked database technology will be used to examine the historical background to the conflict. Second, links to media articles, media clips, and other documents — possibly combined with summaries of personal interviews — will be used to examine the various sides, interests and viewpoints of the parties to this conflict. Finally, media clips, images, articles, and blog entries will be combined with ethnographic observations and personal interviews to examine the impact that this conflict has had on residents in Caledonia, and the range of reactions that Caledonians have to this conflict.