Laura Fantone, Sociology and Women’s Studies
Project Website: Resistances/Existences

A documentary on women and resistance in Toscany, from WW2 till today.
Mirella Vernizzi, Giulia Nocchi, Teresa Mattei and Carla Guelfi, Four self-described “regular women” narrate their activities, their political beliefs and struggles, from the Resistance to Fascism, to the feminist movement, to freedom of speech and contemporary global wars, connecting their everyday life with recent italian history.
Idea and Production: Laura Fantone and Ippolita Franciosi
Editing: Emiliano Madiai and Laura Fantone Photography : Ippolita Franciosi
Editing Consultant: Massimo Sarzi
In collaboration with the Mediateca Regionale Toscana, as part of their Resistance Media Archiveand the City University of New York NEW MEDIA LAB