Erin Wuebker / History
Graduate Student Researcher
June 2013 – May
Project: Venereal Disease Visual History Archive
NML Award: The History and Public Health Award (December 2014)

Erin Wuebker is a Ph.D. candidate in American History at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is currently working on a dissertation about the public health campaign to “stamp out” venereal disease and the cultural meanings of VD during the 1930s and 1940s. More broadly her research interests include social and cultural history, the history of public health and medicine, and visual culture. She received her B.A. in history and art history from Beloit College, and her M.Phil. in history from the Graduate Center. She has taught at Hunter College, Queens College, and served as a Writing Fellow at CUNY School of Law.