Laura V. Sández / Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages
Graduate Student Researcher
October 2014 – February
Project: Sentiment Analysis in Comparative Literature
NML Award: The New Media Lab Digital Dissertation Award (April 2015)

Laura V. Sández is a doctoral candidate in the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages PhD program. Her research interests include history of concepts, performance, emotions, and intellectual history. Her current study of emotions borrows from her work and research in the field of theatre. In addition to being a scholar, Laura is also a performer. She has trained in corporeal mime technique both in New York and Paris, and holds an M.A. in Performance Studies from New York University. At the moment she collaborates with La Micro Theatre.
Since it is important for her to connect scholarly research with teaching, and teaching with performance, she is always creating, rehearsing and volunteering. At the moment, she volunteers for Reading Partners, a program designed to support students from low-income communities at public schools.
Her previous research includes a vast array of topics: the relationship of the Argentinean comic strip Mafalda to social and avant-garde discourses; performance and voting rights in New York at the time of presidential elections (2008) (2012); representations of the rights of Latino illegal immigrants in New York, emotional dispositions in the novels of the Mexican revolution, the valence of mad love in the photo-text Souls’ Infarct, nostalgia and Reina María Rodríguez’s Variedades de Galiano, and studies of contemporary Romanian dancer Manuel Pelmus and Nicaraguan digital-traditional artist Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga.