Spoken Word Theaters
Peter Kirn, Music

Working across disciplines in a Neo-Baroque conception of inter-arts unity, this project will develop various techniques for integrating physical computing, digital multimedia, and interactive performance. Building on music in a broader sense as the formal ordering of events in time, a number of projects will create a toolkit of approaches to media and performance. Many of these projects are collaborative in nature and involve working in creative partnerships and larger groups. Presently, ‘etudes’ in the larger project include: – Digital video, digital music, and acoustic music for choreographer Christopher Williams’ extended works exploring Medieval notions of the elements – Creating new venues for artist collaboration, resource sharing, and international digital media collaboration and education with Prof. Phillip Baldwin of SUNY Stonybrook, including a resource research / funding / collaborative workgroup in New York and the creation of a year-round school in Rome, Italy – Digital media collective led by Baldwin and Kirn developing a portable digital projection rig for interactive audio and live video / motion graphics for operatic performance and physical computing – New digital media pedagogy development, including the creation of half-day workshops and a full-length book on digital audio for publication in spring 2005 – Digital video project with Susan Kleinberg documenting perceptions in Rome – Creative multimedia project reflecting on Parkinson’s Disease, movement, and music-making