The NML offers doctoral students and faculty members from a range of academic disciplines are the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary environment to develop innovative websites and tools in the digital humanities, sciences, and social sciences. See below for the list of current and earlier projects that have been developed at the New Media Lab.
Managing Directors
Graduate Student Researchers
View by doctoral programView by name
- Ghina Abi-Ghannam
- Elise Ahrens
- Francine Almash
- Jess Bal
- María F. Buitrago
- Pedro Cabello del Moral
- Laura Carter
- Yu-Jhen Chen
- Nicole Cote
- Jong Song
- Julia Fuller
- Meha Gupta
- Kyueun Kim
- Gisely Colón López
- Marianne Madoré
- Vallerie Matos
- Jarrett Moran
- Stefano Morello
- Miriam Moster
- Zach Muhlbauer
- Qiyao Pan
- Emily Price
- Michelle Rendón Ochoa
- Silvia Rivera Alfaro
- Juan Garcia Rivera
- David Sastre
- Irina Shirobokova
- Camilla Skoglie
- Davine Sorapuru-Edwards
- Lidia Hernandez Tapia
- Joseph A. Torres-González
- Di Yoong
Art History
Biography and Memoir
Critical Social Personality Psychology
Digital Humanities
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures
Liberal Studies
Urban Education
Past Researchers
View by doctoral programView by nameView by last year active
- Ozan Aksoy
- Kimberley Alvarado
- Becky Amato
- Kevin Ambrose
- Stephanie M. Anderson
- Reethee Madona Antony
- Yuri Artemov
- Ayşenur Benevento
- Miriam Atkin
- Fernando Azevedo
- Arita Balaram
- Wendy Barrales
- Christopher Baum
- Kimberly Belmonte
- Dainy Bernstein
- Jeffrey Binder
- Stephen Boatright
- David Borenstein
- Nathan Bowen
- Filipa Calado
- Jelissa Caldwell
- Christine Caruso
- Agustina Checa
- Michele Chinitz
- Jaime Shearn Coan
- Paddy Colligan
- Rob Collins
- Merrit Corrigan
- Beth Counihan
- Rachel Daniell
- Atasi Das
- Adam Davidson
- Rafael Davis Portela
- Gregory Donovan
- Askia Egashira
- Adeola Enigbokan
- Caroline Erb
- Laura Fantone
- Paul Fess
- Michelle Fisher
- Tia Fletcher
- Claire Fontaine
- Tonya Foster
- Shawndel N. Fraser
- Samwell Freeman
- Emmanuel (Mani) García
- Nora Goldman
- Sonia K. González
- Roderick Graham
- Monique Guishard
- Kristen Hackett
- Joshua Hajicek
- Hope J. Hartman
- Fatmir Haskaj
- Julie Hecht
- Casey Michael Henry
- Elsie Heung
- Yuchen Hou
- Laurie Hurson
- Mei-Ling Israel
- Talha Issevenler
- Aida Izadpanah
- Eathan Janney
- Stephanie Jeanjean
- Michelle Johnson
- Philip Luke Johnson
- Christina Katopodis
- Bree Kessler
- Bijan Kimiagar
- Peter Kirn
- Alina Kiryayeva
- Achim Koh
- Philip Kreniske
- Amy Kwan
- Ellen LaForge
- Anna-Alexis Larsson
- Chris Leary
- Tian Leng
- Edmund B. Lingan
- Sissi Liu
- Yue Liu
- Wendy Luttrell
- Andrew Lynch
- Einat Manoff
- Ashley Marinaccio
- Clayton McCarl
- Carolyn A. McDonough
- Stephen McFarland
- Alice Lynn McMichael
- Irene Meisel
- Hillary Miller
- Nancy K. Miller
- Mário Montenegro
- Sheehan Moore
- David Morrrow
- Iuri Moscardi
- Sandra Moyano Ariza
- Jessica Murray
- Pablo Muñoz
- Roz Myers
- Maryam Naghibolhosseini
- Raquel Neris
- Lisa Ng
- Teresa Ober
- Kate O’Donoghue
- Natalie O'Shea
- David Parsons
- Ian Phillips
- Claudia Pisano
- Lee Ann Pomplas-Breuning
- Carolina Muñoz Proto
- Luis Bernardo Quesada
- Victoria Restler
- Paul Riker
- Rosemarie A. Roberts
- Igor Rodríguez
- Laura V. Sández
- Antonia M. Santangelo
- Scott W. Schwartz
- Zachary Seldess
- Helena Shaskevich
- Shana Siegel
- Christie Sillo
- Jared Simard
- Aga Skorupka
- Christine Snyder
- Collette Sosnowy
- Heather Spence
- Stephanie St. Pierre
- Gemma Stevanella
- Dagny Stuedahl
- Chris Alan Sula
- Jeffrey C. Suttles
- Suzanne Tamang
- Marcos Tejeda
- Nga Than
- Johnathan Thayer
- Pamela Thielman
- Sara Vogel
- Anders Axel Wallace
- Erik Wallenberg
- Luke Waltzer
- Marcos Wasem
- Elizabeth Watson
- Gary Welz
- Ashley Williard
- Friederike Windel
- Olivia Wood
- Erin Wuebker
- Huafeng Xie
- Peri Ozlem Yuksel-Sokmen
- Cristina Yunzal
- Anna Zeemont
- Lei Zhou
- Dominique Zino
Art History
Comparative Literature
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Critical Social Personality Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Digital Humanities
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Educational Psychology
English and Comparative Literature
Environmental Psychology
Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages
Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures
Liberal Studies
Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies
Media and Communications, Education
Political Science
Public Health
Social Personality Psychology
Sociology and Women’s Studies
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences